Top Benefits Of Getting C-TPAT Certification
C-TPAT certification is a type of security certification that is important for those companies and organizations who want to ship their products to the U.S. C-TPAT is a voluntary certificate that helps companies and organizations verify that they are genuine and can be trusted in terms of security. Applying for C-TPAT certification and getting it helps the organization get a variety of benefits. Some common Benefits of Getting C-TPAT Certification are listed below.
Less inspection:
One of the major benefits of getting C-TPAT certification is less inspection. For shipping goods to the U.S. businesses, usually have to face a variety of issues. They have to face a number of CBC inspections that not just make the business complicated but also the shipping process lengthy. But getting a C-TPAT certificate reduces the number of CBC inspections.
Access to educational resources:
Getting a C-TPAT certification also helps organizations get access to educational resources. The certification of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol security program, helps member organizations enjoy a variety of supply chain benefits.
The certification makes them a dedicated supply chain security specialist that further boost their operational safety as well as efficiency. The organizations get the opportunity to work with an expert from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, i.e. CBP, to identify as well as resolve the security issues they are facing in their supply chain.
Lower fines:
CTPAT Certified organizations are charged a lower fine than those who do not have the certificate. No matter, whether the reason behind an error in the Import Security Filing is a mistake or a delay, etc. C-TPAT certified organizations are charged 50% less penalty than the standard rate.
Fast transportation:
Another benefit that C-TPAT certified organizations get is faster transport of goods. Those with a proper C-TPAT certificate have to face fewer issues while transporting the goods across the border. C-TPAT certification shorter their wait times at the border and also provides them access to the FAST lanes at the borders with Mexico and Canada. Getting C-TPAT certification improves the ability of the organizations to quickly get their cargo released by CBP. It also gives organizations a competitive edge by enhancing their brand image, which further improves their potential for more business.
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